import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * song * * @author matecsaba */ public class playerSong implements Comparator { /** * file name */ public String file; /** * artist - title */ public String title; public String toString() { return file + "|" + title; } /** * just artist * * @return path */ public String justArtist() { int i = title.indexOf(" - "); if (i < 0) { return ""; } return title.substring(0, i).trim(); } /** * just artist * * @return path */ public String justTitle() { int i = title.indexOf(" - "); if (i < 0) { return ""; } return title.substring(i + 2, title.length()).trim(); } /** * just path * * @return path */ public String justPath() { String a = file; int i = a.lastIndexOf("/"); if (i > 0) { a = a.substring(0, i); } return a; } /** * lyric file * * @return file */ public String lyrFile() { int i = file.lastIndexOf("."); String s; if (i < 0) { s = file; } else { s = file.substring(0, i); } return s + ".lyric"; } /** * playlist entry * * @param num number * @return text */ public playerLyric plsEntry(int num) { playerLyric res = new playerLyric(); res.add("File" + num + "=" + file); res.add("Title" + num + "=" + title); return res; } /** * playlist entry * * @return text */ public playerLyric m3uEntry() { playerLyric res = new playerLyric(); res.add(""); res.add("#EXTINF:0," + title); res.add(file); return res; } /** * playlist entry * * @param num number * @return text */ public playerLyric cueEntry(int num) { playerLyric res = new playerLyric(); res.add("FILE \"" + file + "\""); res.add(" TRACK " + num + " AUDIO"); res.add(" TITLE \"" + justTitle() + "\""); res.add(" PERFORMER \"" + justArtist() + "\""); res.add(" INDEX 01 00:00:00"); return res; } public int compare(playerSong o1, playerSong o2) { return o1.file.compareTo(o2.file); } /** * read up pls * * @param res source * @param src text * @return result */ public static List txt2pls(List res, playerLyric src) { if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); } playerSong cur = new playerSong(); if (src == null) { return res; } for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { String a = src.get(i); int o = a.indexOf("="); if (o < 0) { continue; } String b = a.substring(o + 1, a.length()); a = a.substring(0, o).toLowerCase(); if (a.startsWith("file")) { cur.file = b; continue; } if (a.startsWith("title")) { cur.title = b; res.add(cur); cur = new playerSong(); continue; } } return res; } /** * read up m3u * * @param res source * @param src text * @return result */ public static List txt2m3u(List res, playerLyric src) { if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); } for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { String a = src.get(i); if (!a.startsWith("#EXTINF:")) { continue; } int o = a.indexOf(","); if (o < 0) { continue; } a = a.substring(o + 1, a.length()); playerSong cur = new playerSong(); cur.title = a; cur.file = src.get(i + 1); res.add(cur); } return res; } /** * write down pls * * @param src songs * @return text */ public static playerLyric pls2txt(List src) { playerLyric res = new playerLyric(); res.add("[playlist]"); res.add("NumberOfEntries=" + src.size()); for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { res.addAll(src.get(i).plsEntry(i + 1)); } return res; } /** * write down m3u * * @param src songs * @return text */ public static playerLyric m3u2txt(List src) { playerLyric res = new playerLyric(); res.add("#EXTM3U"); for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { res.addAll(src.get(i).m3uEntry()); } return res; } /** * write down cue * * @param src songs * @return text */ public static playerLyric cue2txt(List src) { playerLyric res = new playerLyric(); for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { res.addAll(src.get(i).cueEntry(i + 1)); } return res; } /** * sort playlist * * @param lst songs */ public static void sort(List lst) { Collections.sort(lst, new playerSong()); } /** * find entry * * @param lst sorted list where to find * @param val entry to find * @return index, negative on error */ public static int find(List lst, playerSong val) { int lower = 0; int upper = lst.size() - 1; while (lower <= upper) { int mid = (lower + upper) >>> 1; int cmp =, val); if (cmp < 0) { lower = mid + 1; continue; } if (cmp > 0) { upper = mid - 1; continue; } return mid; } return -lower - 1; } }