import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * lyric fetcher * * @author matecsaba */ public class lyrFetch { /** * the main * * @param args arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { List need = playerSong.txt2pls(null, playerUtil.readup("lyr-need.pls")); List done = new ArrayList(); List fail = new ArrayList(); List skip = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < need.size(); i++) { if (playerUtil.keyPress()) { break; } playerSong ntry = need.get(i); switch (doSong(ntry)) { case 0: done.add(ntry); break; case 1: skip.add(ntry); break; default: fail.add(ntry); break; } } need.removeAll(skip); need.removeAll(done); need.removeAll(fail); playerUtil.put("--> need=" + need.size() + " skip=" + skip.size() + " done=" + done.size() + " fail=" + fail.size()); playerUtil.saveas(playerSong.pls2txt(need), "lyr-needed.pls"); playerUtil.saveas(playerSong.pls2txt(done), "lyr-done.pls"); playerUtil.saveas(playerSong.pls2txt(fail), "lyr-fail.pls"); playerUtil.saveas(playerSong.pls2txt(skip), "lyr-skip.pls"); } /** * do one song * * @param song song to search * @return 0 on success */ public static int doSong(playerSong song) { String cm[] = new String[3]; cm[0] = "./"; cm[1] = song.justArtist(); cm[2] = song.justTitle(); playerUtil.put("--> song " + song.file + " : " + cm[1] + " - " + cm[2] + " <--"); playerLyric lyric = playerUtil.readup(song.lyrFile()); if (lyric != null) { playerUtil.put("already exists!"); return 1; } if (cm[1].length() < 1) { playerUtil.put("no artist!"); return 1; } if (cm[2].length() < 1) { playerUtil.put("no title!"); return 1; } playerLyric res; try { Runtime rtm = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process prc = rtm.exec(cm); res = playerUtil.doRead(prc.getInputStream()); prc.waitFor(); prc.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { playerUtil.put("failed to exec!"); return 2; } if (res == null) { playerUtil.put("failed to download!"); return 2; } res = res.clearScript(); if (res.size() < 1) { playerUtil.put("got no lyrics!"); return 3; } playerUtil.saveas(res, song.lyrFile()); return 0; } }