#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import argparse import json import os import sys import bmv2 import helper def error(msg): print >> sys.stderr, ' - ERROR! ' + msg def info(msg): print >> sys.stdout, ' - ' + msg class ConfException(Exception): pass def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='P4Runtime Simple Controller') parser.add_argument('-a', '--p4runtime-server-addr', help='address and port of the switch\'s P4Runtime server (e.g.', type=str, action="store", required=True) parser.add_argument('-d', '--device-id', help='Internal device ID to use in P4Runtime messages', type=int, action="store", required=True) parser.add_argument('-p', '--proto-dump-file', help='path to file where to dump protobuf messages sent to the switch', type=str, action="store", required=True) parser.add_argument("-c", '--runtime-conf-file', help="path to input runtime configuration file (JSON)", type=str, action="store", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.runtime_conf_file): parser.error("File %s does not exist!" % args.runtime_conf_file) workdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.runtime_conf_file)) with open(args.runtime_conf_file, 'r') as sw_conf_file: program_switch(addr=args.p4runtime_server_addr, device_id=args.device_id, sw_conf_file=sw_conf_file, workdir=workdir, proto_dump_fpath=args.proto_dump_file) def check_switch_conf(sw_conf, workdir): required_keys = ["p4info"] files_to_check = ["p4info"] target_choices = ["bmv2"] if "target" not in sw_conf: raise ConfException("missing key 'target'") target = sw_conf['target'] if target not in target_choices: raise ConfException("unknown target '%s'" % target) if target == 'bmv2': required_keys.append("bmv2_json") files_to_check.append("bmv2_json") for conf_key in required_keys: if conf_key not in sw_conf or len(sw_conf[conf_key]) == 0: raise ConfException("missing key '%s' or empty value" % conf_key) for conf_key in files_to_check: real_path = os.path.join(workdir, sw_conf[conf_key]) if not os.path.exists(real_path): raise ConfException("file does not exist %s" % real_path) def program_switch(addr, device_id, sw_conf_file, workdir, proto_dump_fpath): sw_conf = json_load_byteified(sw_conf_file) try: check_switch_conf(sw_conf=sw_conf, workdir=workdir) except ConfException as e: error("While parsing input runtime configuration: %s" % str(e)) return info('Using P4Info file %s...' % sw_conf['p4info']) p4info_fpath = os.path.join(workdir, sw_conf['p4info']) p4info_helper = helper.P4InfoHelper(p4info_fpath) target = sw_conf['target'] info("Connecting to P4Runtime server on %s (%s)..." % (addr, target)) if target == "bmv2": sw = bmv2.Bmv2SwitchConnection(address=addr, device_id=device_id, proto_dump_file=proto_dump_fpath) else: raise Exception("Don't know how to connect to target %s" % target) try: sw.MasterArbitrationUpdate() if target == "bmv2": info("Setting pipeline config (%s)..." % sw_conf['bmv2_json']) bmv2_json_fpath = os.path.join(workdir, sw_conf['bmv2_json']) sw.SetForwardingPipelineConfig(p4info=p4info_helper.p4info, bmv2_json_file_path=bmv2_json_fpath) else: raise Exception("Should not be here") if 'table_entries' in sw_conf: table_entries = sw_conf['table_entries'] info("Inserting %d table entries..." % len(table_entries)) for entry in table_entries: info(tableEntryToString(entry)) insertTableEntry(sw, entry, p4info_helper) if 'multicast_group_entries' in sw_conf: group_entries = sw_conf['multicast_group_entries'] info("Inserting %d group entries..." % len(group_entries)) for entry in group_entries: info(groupEntryToString(entry)) insertMulticastGroupEntry(sw, entry, p4info_helper) if 'clone_session_entries' in sw_conf: clone_entries = sw_conf['clone_session_entries'] info("Inserting %d clone entries..." % len(clone_entries)) for entry in clone_entries: info(cloneEntryToString(entry)) insertCloneGroupEntry(sw, entry, p4info_helper) finally: sw.shutdown() def insertTableEntry(sw, flow, p4info_helper): table_name = flow['table'] match_fields = flow.get('match') # None if not found action_name = flow['action_name'] default_action = flow.get('default_action') # None if not found action_params = flow['action_params'] priority = flow.get('priority') # None if not found table_entry = p4info_helper.buildTableEntry( table_name=table_name, match_fields=match_fields, default_action=default_action, action_name=action_name, action_params=action_params, priority=priority) sw.WriteTableEntry(table_entry) # object hook for josn library, use str instead of unicode object # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/956867/how-to-get-string-objects-instead-of-unicode-from-json def json_load_byteified(file_handle): return _byteify(json.load(file_handle, object_hook=_byteify), ignore_dicts=True) def _byteify(data, ignore_dicts=False): # if this is a unicode string, return its string representation if isinstance(data, unicode): return data.encode('utf-8') # if this is a list of values, return list of byteified values if isinstance(data, list): return [_byteify(item, ignore_dicts=True) for item in data] # if this is a dictionary, return dictionary of byteified keys and values # but only if we haven't already byteified it if isinstance(data, dict) and not ignore_dicts: return { _byteify(key, ignore_dicts=True): _byteify(value, ignore_dicts=True) for key, value in data.iteritems() } # if it's anything else, return it in its original form return data def tableEntryToString(flow): if 'match' in flow: match_str = ['%s=%s' % (match_name, str(flow['match'][match_name])) for match_name in flow['match']] match_str = ', '.join(match_str) elif 'default_action' in flow and flow['default_action']: match_str = '(default action)' else: match_str = '(any)' params = ['%s=%s' % (param_name, str(flow['action_params'][param_name])) for param_name in flow['action_params']] params = ', '.join(params) return "%s: %s => %s(%s)" % ( flow['table'], match_str, flow['action_name'], params) def groupEntryToString(rule): group_id = rule["multicast_group_id"] replicas = ['%d' % replica["egress_port"] for replica in rule['replicas']] ports_str = ', '.join(replicas) return 'Group {0} => ({1})'.format(group_id, ports_str) def cloneEntryToString(rule): clone_id = rule["clone_session_id"] if "packet_length_bytes" in rule: packet_length_bytes = str(rule["packet_length_bytes"])+"B" else: packet_length_bytes = "NO_TRUNCATION" replicas = ['%d' % replica["egress_port"] for replica in rule['replicas']] ports_str = ', '.join(replicas) return 'Clone Session {0} => ({1}) ({2})'.format(clone_id, ports_str, packet_length_bytes) def insertMulticastGroupEntry(sw, rule, p4info_helper): mc_entry = p4info_helper.buildMulticastGroupEntry(rule["multicast_group_id"], rule['replicas']) sw.WritePREEntry(mc_entry) def insertCloneGroupEntry(sw, rule, p4info_helper): clone_entry = p4info_helper.buildCloneSessionEntry(rule['clone_session_id'], rule['replicas'], rule.get('packet_length_bytes', 0)) sw.WritePREEntry(clone_entry) if __name__ == '__main__': main()