import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** * one motion detection * * @author matecsaba */ public class motionData implements Runnable { /** * parent of me */ protected final motion parent; /** * my number */ protected int myNum; /** * name of camera */ protected String myName; /** * url to read */ protected String myUrl; /** * username to use */ protected String userName; /** * password to use */ protected String password; /** * inter image sleep */ protected int sleep; /** * images to keep */ protected int imgPre; /** * images to keep */ protected int imgPost; /** * ignore diff */ protected int ignore; /** * trigger diff */ protected int trigger; /** * alarm mode */ protected int alarm; /** * exceptions happened */ protected int errors; /** * images got */ protected int fetches; /** * events happened */ protected int events; /** * last event time */ protected long lastEvnt; /** * last event file */ protected String lastPath; /** * last event speed */ protected int lastBps; /** * images saved */ protected int saved; /** * minimum diff */ protected int difMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * maximum diff */ protected int difMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /** * last diff */ protected int difLst; /** * last diff */ protected int difAvg; private final static Object sleeper = new Object(); private byte[][] imgDat; private long[] imgTim; private int[] imgDif; private int[] imgCol; private BufferedImage imgLst; private int imgPos; /** * create instance * * @param lower parent */ protected motionData(motion lower) { parent = lower; } /** * get last image * * @param buf where to write * @throws java.lang.Exception on error */ protected void getImage(ByteArrayOutputStream buf) throws Exception { buf.write(imgDat[imgPos]); } /** * get last video * * @param buf where to write * @throws java.lang.Exception on error */ protected void getVideo(ByteArrayOutputStream buf) throws Exception { buf.write(lastPath.getBytes()); buf.write("\n\n".getBytes()); buf.write("//multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=ThisRandomString".getBytes()); buf.write(("\n" + lastBps + "\n").getBytes()); } /** * get alert needed * * @return true if yes, false if no */ protected boolean needAlert() { switch (alarm) { case 0: return false; case 1: return true; case 2: return parent.alarmed; default: return false; } } /** * get web line * * @param tim current time * @return string */ protected String getMeas(long tim) { String a; if (lastPath == null) { a = "never"; } else { a = "" + motionUtil.timePast(tim, lastEvnt) + ""; } return "" + myNum + "" + myName + "" + needAlert() + "" + events + "" + a + "" + errors + "" + fetches + "" + saved + "pic/vid" + difMin + "" + difLst + "" + difMax + "" + difAvg + ""; } /** * clear statistics */ protected void doClear() { difMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE; difMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE; difLst = -1; difAvg = -1; } public void run() { imgDat = new byte[imgPre][]; imgTim = new long[imgPre]; imgDif = new int[imgPre]; imgCol = new int[imgPre]; for (;;) { try { doRound(); } catch (Exception e) { errors++; } } } private void sleep() throws Exception { synchronized (sleeper) { sleeper.wait(sleep); } } private BufferedImage fetchImage() throws Exception { URL testUrl = new URI(myUrl).toURL(); URLConnection testConn = testUrl.openConnection(); testConn.setConnectTimeout(5000); testConn.setReadTimeout(5000); String userpass = testUrl.getUserInfo(); if (userpass != null) { String auth = "Basic " + new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(userpass.getBytes())); testConn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", auth); } InputStream testStream = testConn.getInputStream(); List buf1 = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { byte[] buf0 = new byte[4096]; int len =; if (len < 0) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { buf1.add(buf0[i]); } } byte[] buf2 = new byte[buf1.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < buf2.length; i++) { buf2[i] = buf1.get(i); } BufferedImage result = ByteArrayInputStream(buf2)); fetches++; imgPos = (imgPos + 1) % imgDat.length; imgDat[imgPos] = buf2; imgTim[imgPos] = motionUtil.getTime(); imgLst = result; return result; } private int saveImage(int seq, OutputStream output) throws Exception { if (imgDat[seq] == null) { return -1; } byte[] crlf = new byte[2]; crlf[0] = 13; crlf[1] = 10; output.write("--ThisRandomString".getBytes()); output.write(crlf); output.write("Content-Type: image/jpeg".getBytes()); output.write(crlf); output.write(("X-TimeStamp: " + imgTim[seq]).getBytes()); output.write(crlf); output.write(("X-Differences: pixels=" + imgDif[seq] + " colors=" + imgCol[seq]).getBytes()); output.write(crlf); output.write(("Content-Length: " + imgDat[seq].length).getBytes()); output.write(crlf); output.write(crlf); output.write(imgDat[seq]); output.write(crlf); saved++; return imgDat[seq].length; } private static int getDiff(int p1, int p2, int rot) { p1 = (p1 >>> rot) & 0xff; p2 = (p2 >>> rot) & 0xff; p1 = p1 - p2; if (p1 < 0) { return -p1; } else { return p1; } } private int getDiff(BufferedImage i1, BufferedImage i2) { int res = 0; int tot = 0; int cnt = 0; for (int y = i1.getHeight() - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (int x = i1.getWidth() - 1; x >= 0; x--) { int p1 = i1.getRGB(x, y); int p2 = i2.getRGB(x, y); int dif = getDiff(p1, p2, 0); dif += getDiff(p1, p2, 8); dif += getDiff(p1, p2, 16); tot += dif; cnt++; if (dif < ignore) { continue; } res++; } } if (res < difMin) { difMin = res; } if (res > difMax) { difMax = res; } difAvg = tot / cnt; difLst = res; imgDif[imgPos] = difLst; imgCol[imgPos] = difAvg; return res; } private void doRound() throws Exception { sleep(); BufferedImage old = imgLst; BufferedImage cur = fetchImage(); if (old == null) { return; } int dif = getDiff(cur, old); if (dif < trigger) { return; } events++; lastEvnt = motionUtil.getTime(); if (needAlert()) { motionSend snd = new motionSend(this); new Thread(snd).start(); } Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone(parent.tzdata)); cal.setTime(new Date()); String date = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + motionUtil.padBeg("" + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1), 2, "0") + motionUtil.padBeg("" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 2, "0"); String time = motionUtil.padBeg("" + cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), 2, "0") + motionUtil.padBeg("" + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), 2, "0") + motionUtil.padBeg("" + cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), 2, "0"); String path = + date; new File(path).mkdir(); path = path + "/" + myName + "-" + date + "-" + time + "-" + dif + ".mjpeg"; OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(new File(path)); lastPath = path; for (int i = 0; i < imgDat.length; i++) { saveImage((imgPos + 1 + i) % imgDat.length, output); } int ago = 0; int sav = 0; for (;;) { ago++; if (ago > imgPost) { break; } sleep(); dif = 0; try { old = imgLst; cur = fetchImage(); dif = getDiff(cur, old); sav += saveImage(imgPos, output); } catch (Exception e) { } if (dif < trigger) { continue; } ago = 0; } output.flush(); output.close(); lastBps = sav / (int) ((motionUtil.getTime() - lastEvnt) / 1000); } } class motionSend implements Runnable { private motionData parent; public motionSend(motionData lower) { parent = lower; } public void run() { try { parent.parent.sendAlert(parent.myName); } catch (Exception e) { parent.errors++; } } }